Lean Team Building

Profesionalno vođena simulacija uspostavljanja lean proizvodnje kroz Lean Team Building

Lean Team Building is a unique concept developed by QCDS, designed to build lean teams and broaden lean knowledge through educational simulations. The focus of Lean Team Building is on the central game of leading and developing the company, with each round involving simulations based on decisions made.

The duration and location of the Lean Team Building program are tailored to meet your specific requirements. More than 40 practical simulations are available, which can be incorporated into the program depending on the topics you want to cover. This concept covers all lean tools, process analysis methods, and daily kaizen activities, forming an excellent foundation for further work and process improvement in your company.

At the end of each program day, there is time for socializing and informal discussions with consultants, where challenges faced by the company are discussed, and lean best practices are shared that can provide answers to these challenges. Engage in a professionally guided simulation to establish lean production, analyze the results of decisions made, and experience a continuous learning process through practical exercises. Participants will work on real-life examples, gaining firsthand experience of the results of a company embarking on its lean journey.



Mastering kaizen and lean tools and methods through practical workshops that focus on exercises and simulations rather than theoretical presentations. The best practices established through lean consulting projects and lean training are integrated into this program to provide participants with premium services and quality content.


Mastering kaizen and lean tools and methods through practical workshops that focus on exercises and simulations rather than theoretical presentations. The best practices established through lean consulting projects and lean training are integrated into this program to provide participants with premium services and quality content.


Lean Team Building is designed so that, in addition to the main game carried out throughout the event, each round is followed by a practical simulation of one of the kaizen tools, with a focus on the benefits it brings.